Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Trolling blogs for information

I formally counted it up recently, I'm tracking 149 RSS feeds. The majority of those are blog sites, but ESPN and the New York Times headlines are also included. Some of the sites I track are feeds of a friend or family member's online photo albums. There's a group of them that are technology related, gossip about Apple and what their latest secret project will be, reviews of new technology products etc. I also follow several Pastors and others who serve in churches across the country. Understand, that with RSS, I'm selective of what I actually read and what I skip. But it is true, I troll 149 blogs on a regular basis.

Interesting discovery about my Administering Grace blog, excluding those who visit the main page on a regular basis, the most visited individual post on my site is Literal or Allegorical - The Book of Job generated by people who are Google searching Job Allegory Literal. I would've never expected that. Maybe I need to expand on the literal interpretation of Job further.

NEXT TIME: Good to Great Quotes