Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Visions of air travel and worship juxtaposed

Hoards and hoards of people travelling thousands of thousands of miles a day.
Craft travelling at hundreds of miles an hour.
Lines and lines of travellers waiting to board airplanes and before that, waiting half dressed and barefoot to go through security check points.

As we experienced all the joys of domestic travel last week, I turned to Scott saying, "This is exactly what the Wright brothers envisioned during their 30-second glide on the beach." And yet, there are church movements today that are equally foreign when compared to that first church in Acts.

Growing up I attended churches that employed a traditional style of worship. Of course, spending several years in another culture, I was exposed to other styles and means of worship which broadened my perspective and appreciation for the universal church. And as new songs have been used in worship, I've come to appreciate the new styles that have come with them. But, the multi-sensory, experiential worship style makes me feel very old. I'm just not comfortable with it yet.

If the Wright's had known that their innovation would eventually restrict everyone to carrying only three ounces of liquids they may have scrapped their endeavors all together.

The thing is, in His omniscience, God knew His church would be where it is today and He knows where it will be tomorrow and He knew where it was over 2,000 years ago. And for some reason, God decided that where things were 2,000 years ago was the right timing for sending His Savior. Recollecting my Bible readings, I can't think of a reason why the years of silence between Malachi and Matthew had to be 400 years as opposed to 2,000 years of silence. Though it won't matter in eternity, I wonder why He chose to rebuke the religious peoples of that time period as opposed to sending His Son today or sending Him for the yet to be fulfilled second time.