Wednesday, February 27, 2008

C3 Notes

If you want to catch the highlights of most of the speakers from last week's conference, Tony Morgan was one of several who blogged throughout the sessions. In case you're interested...

Ed Young, Jr's session 1

Ed Young, Jr's session 2

Mac Richard - something was up with this session as it started 45 minutes late, but we never heard what went down. My behind the scenes logistics curiosity would love to know.

Perry Noble

Brian Huston

Tommy Barnett

Bishop T.D. Jakes

For me, the most powerful lesson came out of one of Bishop Jake's messages. Using the account of the Last Supper, he applied it to each of our lives... how like the bread, God took us, blessed us, broke us and gave us. The light bulb went on (you could literally hear people connect the dots across the room like a wave) as Bishop walked us through the stories of Jesus, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and several other Biblical characters we all know so well and illuminated how in each instance, God took them, blessed them, broke them and gave them - with specific emphasis on how God wasn't able to fully utilize each character until they'd become completely broken.