Thursday, February 21, 2008

Theme song and another lesson

I realize this evening that two items of note had gotten lost in, as Scott has proclaimed, my Elephant brain. Though chronologically out of order, I couldn't resist leaving these undocumented...

I was the last of our group through the enjoyable encounter every air traveler today experiences with the wonderful people at the Transportation Security Agency. And after frantically retying my shoes, shoving the laptop back in it's case, putting my baggy of liquids and gels back into my luggage, I was able to catch up with the rest of my group. The facial expression on Matt's face, a combination of embarassment and discust, conveyed that my rush was unnecessary. See, two of the nine in our group are fans of Walker Texas Ranger re-runs and all week at various times, they'll break into singing the theme song from the show. The disdain of the rest of us and their fervor where diametrically amplified when we learned that Walker himself attended one of the ministries we've crossed paths with while on this trip. So "when you're in Texas look behind you..."

Secondly, as an addendum to my last post, another lesson I picked up this week, is having the paint in the facility touched up weekly. One of the ministries we visited employees two full time staff who's sole responsibility is to go around the facility each week touching up the paint on the walls. Hadn't thought of that before.