Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Take off flashbacks and psychoanalysis

As we sat in line for take off my mind flashed back to an earlier time when I plane I was riding was sitting in a similar position.

The year, 1976.
The occasion, my families' first missionary journey to the Philippines.

We'd just said our farewells to both sets of grandparents and an uncle/aunt or two, family members we wouldn't see for another four years. As we sat on the plane waiting for our turn to take off that morning, I was disturbed that unlike when leaving in a vehicle, I couldn't see my grandparents standing in the airport or that they couldn't see me.

As I shared this deja vu moment with Scott, who was seated next to me, he recalled his earliest memory. Then it came to us... there's a good chance that first farewell for me is why goodbyes are so important and emotional to me. And for him, well let's just say we may have uncovered the origin of his OCD.

Our conclusion, we're all messed up in some way shape or form.