Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Rodeo's Big Obstacle: Parking

We're just over a week away from the Rodeo. Some 15,000 mailers are arriving in homes over the next day or two; we received ours today. Next Wednesday night the Operation Barnabas teens along with our youth group teens will be going door to door to invite families in the Manheim area. Things are coming together.

On this side of the event, aside from the weather next weekend, the biggest obstacle we anticipate is parking. Anticipating a crowd of up to 5,000, they'll be bring a lot of vehicles to the rodeo. All of the events are slated to occur on the farm field, so we'll be using the 501 W Lincoln property for parking only. Our overflow plan includes parking vehicles on the soccer field. And to give us as many parking spots as possible, we'll be asking all Grace people to park at an to-be-announced off-site parking location.

Please join us in praying for clear weather for next week and for families attending the rodeo to carpool!