Friday, June 15, 2007

Pray Harder

The church staff arrived at the office yesterday only to find that the hard drive that contained all of our files and databases went bad rendering them unusable for the majority of the day yesterday. It's operating today, but different files are corrupt. Fortunately, we have a good back up from which to restore and that seems to be working. On top of that, our photocopiers aren't working as they normally do this morning. Oh, and there was the tornado warning Wednesday afternoon too.

These inconveniences are throwing our normal routines out of sync. The bulletin is just now being printed - it's usually signed, sealed and delivered by now, ready for Sunday. I haven't been able to publish our ministry plan for 2007-2008 which I'm to present Sunday night. The Operation Barnabas Orientation isn't able to make the copies they need.

The timing of all of this seems more than just coincidence. Aside from completely losing it, the only thing I can think of is to PRAY HARDER!!!