Thursday, June 07, 2007

A Lifetime Impact: Summary

Mr. French, Mr. Friesen and Ms. Wollerton, while each giving me knowledge in different areas together reinforced a common theme... they instilled self confidence. They each have played a key role in shaping who I am today. Each have a deep love for God, a passion to serve Him with excellence and had a passion for educating missionary children. Mr. French continues to teach art at Faith Academy. Mr. Friesen is now on staff in the IT department at Taylor University and Ms. Wollerton now has her doctorate in education and is teaching higher education at Azusa Pacific University according to my Google Search results.

With so much rosy attention on high school these past few posts you may be wondering why I bothered with college and graduate work. I attended college to gain a foundational Biblical education and graduate work for professional expertise in leadership. Maybe when we start a college program at Grace I'll expound on the lifetime impact of those years of my life.