Friday, June 29, 2007

Ministry Plan for 2007-2008

On June 17, Pastor Scott, John Kegarise (Elder Chairman) and myself presented the ministry plan for 2007-2008. The ministry plan has been developed by the ministry leaders and paid staff. I've assembled their work and reviewed it with Pastor Scott before presenting it to the Elders. With Elder approval the plan went before the church body for their review. But before we look ahead, let's take a quick review of what God has been doing in our midst for the past several months.

For about a decade our attention has been focused on other ministry areas, but over the past year, it appears that God started to move in new ways in our Children's Ministries. By providing the financial resources we were able to set aside funds to return the Children's Ministry Director position to full time status and to increase the Early Childhood Director to a half-time position. In addition to providing the funds, God also provided the individuals to fill those slots.

Our second year of the Christmas Walk-Thru had even greater numbers of people travel through our building to the Victorian era, on to Italy, then Switzerland and finally the manger scene.

On Sunday mornings we've studied the Book of James, When Faith and Life Collide; what Jesus said about the future, Back in the Future; Meeting People Where They Are and Moving People to Where God Wants Them to Be; Baptism and Footwashing, Just Add Water; Lost and Reel Families. Through these studies, God has challenged us, convicted us and drawn us into a deeper relationship with Him. And of course we baptized 104 adults and children this past Spring.

Sunday morning Auditorium attendance has been up about 8% over the previous year. We're averaging 1,191 people per Sunday in the Auditorium. Giving has been healthy too, but as you might expect with an influx of new attenders, it's increased at a slower pace.

God has done some AMAZING things in our midst in 2006-2007! What could He possibly have in mind for 2007-2008?

In 2007-2008 we are seeing signs that God is opening up opportunities for us to meet people where they are and move people to where God wants them to be.

Meeting People Through the Rodeo
The Elders and staff are really excited about the potential of how God might work through us and the rodeo outreach to build new relationships with people who are far from God. With the tremendous upside potential in that one day, we are preparing across the board to be able to meet more people and help them take steps closer to God. We anticipate that the rodeo impact on our ministry may well span all of 2007-2008, if not beyond.

Meeting People; Moving People Through the Core Classes
With all of the growth we've experienced over the past several years, we've identified that we need to provide stronger opportunities for people to connect with our body. The Pastor's Class is being reworked into four Core Classes. Each class will end with a specific next steps of seeking water baptism, daily Bible reading, getting involved in a specific ministry and regular tithing. The Core Classes have the potential to provide those who are new to Grace an avenue to take steps to grow deeper in their relationship with God.

Meeting Children and Teens Where They Are, Moving Them to Where God Wants Them To Be
We're also anticipating fresh approaches in our ministries for children and teens. We think we see signs that the work God initiated in these areas in 2006-2007 will take off in 2007-2008. The new staff are getting settled in their positions, have had time to assess and seek God's direction for their ministry and in 2007-2008, we'll start to see the launch of some of those new components. These ministry areas have been using the same type of approach for more than a decade; meanwhile the culture of the children/teens we've been serving has changed drastically. We are excited about how God is leading us in new directions to reach the children and teens of today with His Word in a way that is relevant to the way they think.

Moving McCracken's and Roche's to Where God Wants Them To Be
In Global Outreach we're excited about what God is doing in Cambodia. Our support of three Cambodian nationals, who've been supported through the Birthday Gift for Jesus is now part of the budget. We also have the opportunity to support them as they shift into tent-making ministries. We are happy to announce that we'll be sending Mike and Joan McCracken to assist the Cambodians in setting up a business of raising pigs. In our backyard, we're happy to be officially partnering with Joe and Kim Roche, who've been our go-to couple for people with financial counseling needs. The Roche's have sensed God's leading them to join with Crown Financial Ministries in a full time capacity and seeing evidence of how God has equipped them and utilized them in that type of role already, we are excited to be supporting them as they take this step of faith.

To sum up, we the staff and the Elders, see 2007-2008 as a hallmark year for Grace Church. As God continues to lead us in seeing His Kingdom expand in the greater Lititz area, we recognize that our body has to be equipped at every level to be able to handle the growth. We need to see those who've joined the Grace Church body of the past several years get connected and involved in our ministries beyond Sunday morning services and become fully engaged, active participants of the living body that is Grace Church.

The budget translates our proposed ministry plan for 2007-2008 into financial figures. The plan requires a bit more from each of us than in year's past. While each endeavor has an attached price tag, and giving is an important part of this process, it's not so much your money for which we are asking. We want to see everyone under the umbrella of Grace Church become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, joining us in our endless pursuit to meet people where they are and move people to where God wants them to be.