Monday, August 21, 2006

My Review of Open Office

I told you about Open Office back in April and I concluded my testing today.

Since we use Microsoft Office XP, that was my standard of measure; was Open Office capable of doing everything I do with OfficeXP? Let me break it down into the sub-applications: word processing, spreadsheet, etc.

As a word processor, Open Office is just about equal with Microsoft Word. There weren't many features that Open Office couldn't do and it's seamless interfacing with the other programs in Open Office make it a better product in my mind. It's clear that the most time and effort has been spent perfecting the Open Office word processor. In addition, it's great to be able to save files in just about any format you'd need including Word format, and even straight to a PDF.

As a spreadsheet, Open Office was again just about equal to Microsoft Excel. I did find that Open Office did support some of my more elaborate charts that utilized two y-axis, but I only have one of those in all my files so it wasn't a big deal. Open Office had all the formulas I needed and supported everything I wanted to do.

I didn't have a need to try out the other aspects of Open Office, so I can't comment on those.

In general, Open Office is a feature-rich, stable office application platform. Because it is so integrated it does take a while to load, but that's a worthy tradeoff for the synergy you get in return - much better integration than what OfficeXP affords.

In the end, I've decided to wait before making a switch to Open Office for all of our offices here at Grace. It's a definite possibility in the near future, but not something I'm ready to tackle right now. I am using Open Office at home as it's a cost-effective way to have a powerful office application suite on my home computer and it's definitely up to snuff in that arena.

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