Friday, October 05, 2007

Is it time to accept ATM cards?

Close to 7-8 years ago was the first time I was asked to consider some type of giving outside of the traditional cash/check being placed in the offering plate. The worshipful act of giving has gotten a bad reputation, sometimes overshadowed by desperate pleas to make ends meet, rather than emphasizing it in proportion with the amount of emphasis we place on prayer, signing and other elements of worship. And like them, there's something to be said for doing it corporately instead of in seclusion. Like prayer and signing, there's a place for giving in solitude. I have some intense sessions of prayer in quiet seclusion with no one around and I've belted out hymns, choruses and other sounds in the confines of my blue van that brought the roof lining down - literally. But I'm convinced that God's uniquely created corporate worship to be something special and that goes for giving too. That's been my hang up. Allowing ATM/Debit/Credit card giving opens us up to allowing giving outside of the corporate worship.

The corporate worship issue is my biggest problem with the idea. Secondarily, I'm uncomfortable opening up the possibility that someone can charge their gift to a credit card. I question the financial practice of putting a gift to God on credit. And if you use a cash back or rewards card, would the gifts to the church count toward your cash back/rewards points? This just opens up too many issues, maybe my analysis paralysis has kicked in again.

I'm well aware of the increased convenience to all of us. Goodness, I've heard countless stories of how churches actually receive more money once they make the switch. But it's not about the money, it's about your life and your relationship with Our Saviour.

But, when more and more establishments accept plastic the pressure to adapt is building. Did you ever imagine McDonald's would take cards? I myself rarely carry cash. I'm sure there are many people for whom their check to Grace Church is the only check they write each month.

So, if you attend Grace on a regular basis, I'd love to hear your thoughts.