Thursday, December 28, 2006

Security at Grace

The conclusions we reached to solve our security dilemna at Grace is to provide open access for the church side of the operation because we thought it was important that not only the congregation, but people coming to the church for assistance and those types of things, would have access and wouldn't be locked out. Kind of following in the historical tradition of the church, and providing a place of assylum, a place of refuge, a place where you could get help. For those reasons, the church side will remain open and accessible.

But because of the changes in the daycares and schools across our country, and the concern for the safety of the children, the daycare/school areas will have a higher level of security. It will be more inconvenient to access those parts of the building. You'll see in the coming weeks more of the logistics of how we'll carry this out. We've had to put in some new things inside the building to create different perimeters to go with those concepts, but overall I think our next step will be an improvement and continue taking us in the right direction to keeping the children for whom we're responsible safe and securing the building.