Friday, October 28, 2005

Testing New Announcement Format

I've been toying with new ways to deliver Grace Church content to web users. It seems a lot of websites are employing RSS feeds (see Automatic Feeds in the My Favorite Browser entry) which your computer automatically downloads to your computer without you having to actually go to a website unless they have information you want to read in-depth. We use RSS for our Grace Church Sunday Messages, but we program it ourselves. For the messages, it's not that involved, but to produce all of our content by reprogramming it in RSS would be laborious. So I've manipulated a blog site to offer our weekly announcements which automatically creates an RSS feed.

If you use feeds, you can subscribe to the blog and you'll be notified when new content has been posted.
I'm curious if this will make our information more accessible to our web users or not, so give me your feedback. Here's the link to the test site -