Monday, October 24, 2005

Shamed by the Shema

Our Pastor's message yesterday focused on the Shema, partially quoted in Mark 12:29-30. The interpretation of the passage and it's application to my life (our lives) was convicting and powerful. Everytime I read the Shema, I feel shamed or guilt because I don't measure up.

"Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, and with ALL your soul, and with ALL mind and with ALL your strength." Not some, ALL!

As I awoke this morning, I asked God to help me espouse the Shema throughout the day today. But as I drove to work, I found my mind wandering - and in an instant I had not loved the Lord my God with ALL my mind. Another failure. That's part of my problem, my personality attempts to categorize things so I can comprehend/manage them. So when it comes to commands that use the word ALL, it's either ALL or nothing. But I have to remind myself, that I am nothing. If I was more than nothing, I would not have needed a Savior. If I'm more than nothing I wouldn't need daily doses of grace. My feelings of shame are unnecessary. I'm not doomed to fail, it's through my Savior and the grace He provides that I can attain fulfilment in Christ.

In my imperfection, I have to continually come back to God, asking Him to help me make God my ALL in ALL.