Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Karen celebrates 20!

This week, Karen celebrates 20 years of service at Grace Church. Like many of the behind the scenes staff, her professional training is in areas other than what she's been doing for the past two decades. Her formal training and early career were invested in teaching English in the public school system. But after kids and other twists and turns, God brought her to Grace and plugged her into an accounting role. It's an everything in it's place and a place for everything type of role for Karen in that her personality, strengths and weaknesses are well matched for the role she plays. She looks for the rights and wrongs on financial matters and applies a Scripture-backed above reproach mentality to direct the day-to-day handling of the church's money. In 20 years, you process a lot of purchase approvals and payrolls.

Congratulations Karen on 20 years of service at Grace Church!