Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Conduncting a God-centered assignment search in a me-centered world

To stay true to a whatever God wants me to do, wherever He wants me to be mentality as I seek His next assignment is proving to be quite challenging, but not for the reasons I would've expected.

Every opportunity as a possibility, when the register at McDonald's has a message that says, "Now hiring managers" my immediate reaction is contemplation. Maybe that's where God wants me. When I hear of positions that are slightly beyond my qualifications, I don't move along right off the bat, I consider whether God may somehow be able to use me in that assignment. I'm not taking anything off the table until it's clear that God's taken it off the table. And I'm open to anything, because I want to be completely usable to Him.

That's proving to be a challenge as I network with people, they want to know what it is I want to do. The networks are accustomed to me-centered job searches based on prior experience, training and personal pursuits. Following that path limits me to a select field that I only want to focus on if that's what God wants.

Jesus appropriately identified that several men who were trained fishermen had skills that were transferable to being fishers of men. I wonder what the resumes of Andrew, Peter, James and John contained prior to the day Jesus strolled up to them on the beach? On paper, did they have experience relating with people? Had they had opportunities to develop strong communication skills and a chance to speak to large crowds?

I am open to God taking me from what He's had me doing for the past 14 years and doing whatever His next assignment for me will entail. Communicating that desire in a way that others can figure out is a challenge, especially to those who don't share a common bond in Christ.