Friday, July 18, 2008

Appointment Cancellations/Schedule Flexibility

I'm on a roll of late, in the span of two weeks, I've had three appointments postponed due to emergencies. Fortunately, all of the meeting topics were non-urgent making rescheduling easy and pain free.

I was to meet with someone to work on some items related to the addition of a third worship service, but a day or so before the meeting, I was notified that their father passed away unexpectedly and the meeting would have to be rescheduled.

My Dad was to have a Dr appointment yesterday, but the office called to reschedule because the Doctor had been in surgery most of the day throwing his appointment schedule all out of whack.

I was to have a meeting about health insurance this morning, but that got postponed yesterday because the father of the guy we were to meet with had a heart attack this week.

Three separate cancellations from three different contexts caught my attention and seemed noteworthy. One of the things I appreciate about church work, is the freedom we have in a life perspective. Our day to day work is important, but I'd much rather each of these individuals spend time with the loved ones in the midst of crisis than still maintain an appointment to discuss building signage or health plans. And though they're simply handling the logistic of cancelling an appointment, they don't realize they're activating a prayer line. Nothing outstanding about that, just a quick prayer as I think of them and what they might be experiencing. We'll eventually make up the appointments and keep the work of the church moving forward, signs, health plans and all.