Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Decorating the children's wing

Since visiting churches during our trip to Creative08 that was hosted by Fellowship Church in Grapevine, TX, we've been talking and planning to redecorate the children's wing. The concept is a Noah's Ark theme with murals on the walls and identifying each room with a different animal. Each room would then have the animal at the door so each room is easily identifiable from the hallway.

Up until this week, we've been thinking of these concepts being applied in a Disney-esque style. Think The Lion King.

That was, until this week.

I had an epiphany that we're presented with an opportunity to go where few churches have likely gone before, based on the inherent creativity at Grace combined with the number of hunters. Instead of the flashy, commercially-over done Disney style, why not use the real thing, taxidermy-ed giraffes, monkeys, hyenas and the like adorning the children's wing hallway like an Elk Lodge or something?
