Thursday, April 26, 2007

Headaches with Rewards - Multi-Use Buildings

There's no doubt about it, when handed the keys to a multi-use facility, a large bottle of Aspirin should be on the key chain. Take for example, the poor student who was slightly injured Monday morning because one of the rooms hadn't been completely returned to it's Monday-Friday to setup. But with those headaches, come a lot of rewards because of the flexibility of multi-use space.

Over Christmas, our building transformed into a winter wonderland for the Christmas Walk-Thru.
Last week, it transformed into an art gallery for the school's Creative Arts Festival.
Today, it's in the midst of transforming into a ocean side resort for this weekend's Beach Blast.
A multi-use facility with creative minds can transform into all kinds of things!

Yes, a dedicated Sanctuary space is the envy of most churches, but I think I much prefer the flexibility afforded by multi-use/multi-purpose spaces.