Monday, September 08, 2008

Seeking God's Next Assignment

As I look over the years God has given me in my lifetime, there are stacks of evidence of how God has revealed His purposes and ways through prayer, His Word, circumstances and the church. It is based on that evidence that I have confidence that He will make His next plan(s) for me known in His time. I am exploring what His next assignment is for me and Beth. If God places an organization on your mind or the name of an individual in relation to our exploration, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

My desire is NOT to do something big for God. I am solidly focused on only doing what He wants me to do. If He chooses to assign me to something big, that's His decision and I'll follow. If He wants me to wash dishes, that's what I'll be doing. As Beth and I have talked about it, that's our heart's desire. Additionally, we want to be only where He wants us. If that's in Lancaster County, here we will stay. If that's in Kabul, Afghanistan, that's where we will be going. Our confidence is high that God will reveal our next step when it's His time, we just hope we will have the faith and the guts required to take those steps.

In the meantime, we are exploring every conceivable opportunity, looking for signs of God's leading in every conversation and development. While my experience to date has focused solely on church ministry, we are open to whether God wants to use me in a ministry/non-ministry situation alike. And while I've been involved in leadership/management, that too we aren't using to limit what God might have in the future. We are open to whatever and wherever.

Having sensed a possible leading toward being a bush pilot, we went to Missions Fest Lancaster a few weeks ago and talked with a missions representative. There we learned that we're too old, mid-thirties mind you, for the mission organizations to be able to make use of us in that line of ministry. Mechanics of any age are welcome, but unless the Holy Spirit comes upon me in a substantial way, I think I'd do more of a disservice to the spread of the Gospel as a mechanic than I would be adding help to it. :)

One thing God has confirmed for Beth and me, until He takes my Dad home, caring for Dad is one of His assignments for us. Lancaster County is of course an area well equipped for caring for an aging parent with dementia, but we don't see that as limiting where God wants to place us. If God wants us in Kabul, He will provide a way for us to continue to care for Dad.

If God places an organization on your mind or the name of an individual in relation to our exploration, I'd appreciate hearing about it. Otherwise, your prayers that our ears would be delicately tuned in to God's leading, that our faith would remain strong and that we would have the guts to respond when He reveals our next step, your prayers in those regards will be greatly appreciated.

Lord, find us faithful.