Thursday, September 04, 2008

Assignment complete - part 1

Like an elementary student, my God-given Grace Church assignment is complete. I've accomplished everything God wanted me to get done during my time at Grace Church, the workbook's been turned in. That portion of my journey is complete.

As I reflect on my Grace Church years, I praise God for all that He accomplished in me and through me during my tenure. And while I have many gratifying memories to cherish, I think my greatest joy focuses on those whom God brought through Grace for me to serve.

My contribution to the history of Grace Church is more apparent in what God did in and through my team than anything else. They were the ones who invested significant energy into serving the body of believers commonly known as Grace Church. My job was just to release them to do God's work. They are the people who deserve the credit for what God accomplished. As best as my memory can recollect, here are the wonderful people that God gave me the opportunity of serving on my Grace Church team...

Nancy Mitchell and her cleaning team
  • Karl Mitchell
  • Devon Mitchell
  • Rachel Mitchell
  • Aubry Kilby
  • Justin Lehman
  • Phyllis Willard
  • Amanda Rohrer
  • Renee Weaver
  • Kaley Keener
  • There are several if not many others that I'm not remembering
David Bernhardt
Tim Enderle
Bobbie Kissinger
Chris Willard
Mona Graham
Lucy Snow
George Bailey
Khyle Keener
Steve Weaver
Eric Leisey
Nathan Imhoff
Justin Bitner
Andy Schell
Ty Getz
Andrew Spotts
Gail Crouse
Ken Ecker

There are nine people I intentionally left off the list.