Sunday, January 14, 2007

3 things you can do with TiVo

As my cousin eloquently and accurately identified in a post a while back, TiVo has struggled to gain viewers and in many ways, it can probably be attributed to people not understanding all of the benefits of the TiVo unit. Being a recent TiVo-tee, I thought I'd help the cause with my list of things you can do with TiVo:
  • You can watch a 3+ hour football game in the span of an hour. That's how I watched most of the college bowl games and the NFL Wildcard and playoff games.
  • Though I knew coverage of Penn State's bowl game began at 11 a.m. on New Year's Day, I figured there would be 30+ minutes of pre-game coverage. But because I'd left the TV on ESPN earlier in the day, when I turned the game on at 11:30, only to discover that the game was well into the first quarter, I asked TiVo to record it for me which allowed me to watch the game in it's entirety. On top of that, using fast forward, I was able to watch the whole game and catch up with the live telecast before the game ended.
  • You can pause commercials so you can actually read the fine print in the ads. A recent Southwest Airlines cheap fares ad caught my attention, but I was curious as to what was in the fine print.
  • The pause feature is also extremely helpful when a squirrel decides to join you in your living room to watch the game, you can pause the game and not miss a single second while you practice good hospitality and host the surprise guest.