Thursday, June 01, 2006

Automatic Alarms

I believe it was the building codes at the time that required our facility to be equipped with an automatic, monitored fire alarm system - I wasn't here in 1990 when it was built, but I'm guessing that's why our building has such a system. Automatic alarm systems could almost be renamed Cry Wolf systems as they are notorious for false alarms. False alarms occur so frequently that everyone drops their guard a bit when an alarm sounds.

Recognizing that mind set, I've insisted that anytime the alarms in our building sound, that everyone be trained to habitually evacuate the building, not to return without receiving an all clear signal. I've been a pain in the neck in this area when it's been freezing outside and not letting anyone back into the building until we had an all clear. I have to admit that after eight years of numerous false alarms, I was beginning to question whether it was worth all the hassle, the alarm was more of a nuisance than anything else.

That all changed last night as the automatic alarm sniffed out a fire in our building, directing one of our staff to the specific location so he could contain it. In an instant all the nuisances of false alarms passed faded in comparison to the millions of dollars saved. Unfortunately for some, this only renews my insistence on regular fire drills and treating every alarm as the real thing.

I'm thankful we have the ultimate insurance agent who clearly was working in our midst.