Tuesday, February 14, 2006

2006 Church Directory

I've you're a faithful subscriber to Administering Grace then you've probably figured out that the 2006 Church Directory is way behind schedule; we've been inundated with other projects. In any event, we've gotten the directory to it's final draft form and my goal is to have it published for Sunday, March 5 or earlier if possible.

Now, Joan and Elaine will tell you that I'm a proofing/draft nut. I filled-in for Joan the other week creating the Sunday bulletin and I must've had 4 or 5 drafts that I asked Elaine to proof before we finally went to print. The church directory is on draft 8 or 9 (hmmm, maybe that's part of the reason it's been delayed). For what it's worth, I've put a draft copy on our website if you want to help us proof it. If you find typos, informational errors etc. I'd love to know about them. We did make some editorial decisions in terms of how to list names etc., so not all suggestions may be used, but I welcome your input.

Here are a couple of other details about the 2006 Directory:
  • It is 40 pages, listing 699 church families/individuals
  • It will be printed in full page (8 1/2 x 11) format, two-columns of addresses per page
  • It will be printed on 11 x 17 paper, landscape, folded in half and stapled in the middle to form a booklet.
Now that the directory is published, as you discover out of date information, please contact us so we can update our records. Thanks!